60 research outputs found

    Local risk management in inter-municipal councils.: Structuring intersector public policies in France

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    Drawing on theories from social constructivism and political science, the argument of my paper, based on my ongoing PhD research, focuses on two points. How risks – defined using a territorial approach as the confrontation between possibilities of an accident and various stakes (social, economic, cultural, environmental or patrimonial) – are tolerated as part of a complex urban network system and fully integrated as a metropolitan policy.How risks management – defined as a cross-sector public policy integrating civil security, environmental or health policies – represents a space of political and administrative conflicts between traditional responsibilities of the Central State (civil security) and local professionalisation in the fields of environment management, economical development or urban planning

    Urban political approach of major hazard planning

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    Today, the need to reduce the rise of disasters in cities is a priority for European governments (United Nation Strategy for Disaster reduction, 2007). Natural or industrial hazard identification is improving thanks to the mobilisation of the scientific community and the recent political awareness. Indeed, in developed urbanised countries, and in addition in cities shown as nod of economical and informational urban network, the impacts of natural or industrial disasters also produce collective damages. The examples of three French cities (Lyon, Nantes and Le Havre) illustrate how the ends of urban public policies generate huge contradictions in risk reduction strategy. Furthermore, it also shows how urban development objectives can create “urban risks”. I will explain my point by two outlines. First, risk is defined as social construction. Constructivism does not minimise effective disasters, but it explains the role of the historical urban settlement and the contemporary goals of local development.Secondly, both hazard identification and urban planning are described as a public policy. Drawing on theories of political agenda setting, hazard identification in urban planning is studied as a complex public policy hold by various stakeholders (either public than private) and crossed by different interests

    Non-stop flux city. How does civil security policy keep city always running?

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    Urbanisation by itself does not increase vulnerability, but cities concentrate activities, infrastructures and populations. Even if we consider controversies on the increase of frequency and severity of hazards -either natural, technological or environmental-,the growing interconnectedness in cities means that major disaster events can affect higher proportion of lives and livelihoods. The awareness of urban system vulnerability has risen in local public policies since 1990's. Today, representatives and public managers recognize the end of zero-risk society. They work on risk warning and crises management. In local context, the paper shows concretively how the concept of resilience draws the shift from risk reduction to risk mitigation. Organisation of safeguard in case of disasters, on a municipal level, are assigned to civil security policies. Although civil protection means of action were largely under-estimated during past twenty years in France, it is today responsible for resilience assessment and implementatio

    Organising for future crises: the case of integrated risk management in French cities

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    Public leaders face a set of crisis management tasks that are not easy to fulfill. It becomes especially challenging in large cities, which bring together potentially dangerous technologies and large masses of people. Coping with anemerging crisis in this context is a daunting task, if only because of infrastructural bottle necks and a lack of available means. What answers do city governments produce? For a particular interesting development, we turn to a group of French large cities which have seen the emergence of a new form of risk management: the integrated risk institute. In this article, we briefly survey emerging developments and challenges in these cities and formulate questions for a research agenda on urban crisis management

    L’improbable préemption des territoires à risque industriel majeur

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    International audienceÀ travers l’usage de la préemption prévu par les acteurs publics - services d’État et collectivités locales -, l’article montre les effets de la délimitation des périmètres des plans de prévention des risques technologiques (PPRT) sur la gouvernance territoriale et l’aménagement des territoires. Les intercommunalités proposent un nouvel agencement des ressources juridiques et budgétaires, mais aussi politiques et territoriales. Même si le cadre juridique est peu clarifié, l’utilisation anticipée de la préemption révèle de nouvelles formes de régulation locale entre l’État et les collectivités. La préemption questionne l’avenir de l’aménagement dans les interfaces entre ville et industries, ainsi que la relativité de l’appréhension du risque industriel à proximité des agglomérations

    L’adaptation aux risques d’inondation façonnée par les métiers de la ville

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    International audienceThis article shows how adaptation policy for flood risk is shaped by the local public procurement’s ambivalent position regarding urban development projects in flood area. Instead of using it as an opportunity to renew urban planning, adaptation policy overemphasizes the presence of water in order to justify the increase of building projects. In addition, adaptation policy is shaped by competition between urban planning professionals. These are forced to reposition themselves either by diversifying their skills or by seeking to hyperspecialize within urban project dynamics. Three profiles are studied. Water engineers translate controversial regulation rules into urban shapes. Restrained by these rules, architects protect their esthetical role but have to work with landscape designers, who transform the symbolic value of spaces generated by flood risk zones regulation.L’article montre comment l’adaptation de la ville aux inondations est façonnée par les attentes ambivalentes du maître d’ouvrage quant aux projets d’aménagement en zone inondable. Loin de s’agir d’une opportunité pour repenser les dynamiques d’aménagement, l’adaptation survalorise la présence de l’eau au profit de nouvelles opérations immobilières. En outre, l’adaptation est marquée par la compétition entre les métiers de l’urbanisme, obligés de se repositionner, en se diversifiant ou en s’hyperspécialisant au sein du projet. Trois profils sont étudiés. L’hydraulicien traduit les règles, controversées, en forme urbaine. Contraint par ces règles, l’architecte défend son rôle esthétique, mais compose avec le paysagiste qui agit sur la valeur symbolique des espaces issus des zones inondable

    Les projets urbains en zones inondables communiquent-ils sur les risques ? : Regard sur les politiques publiques conduites à Saint-Étienne, Orléans et Nantes

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    International audienceThe paper draws the links between flood management and risk communication concerning planning policies and especially urban projects. We investigate three French sites along the Loire valley: Saint-Étienne, Orléans and Nantes. For this purpose, spatial multiscalar analysis gives an overview on the potential contradictions and loss of information between risk communication, spatial planning and urban projects. We demonstrate that regardless of demographic and economic trends, the city is spreading and taking over flooding areas. The principle of living with risk is a reality that the urban actors seem to accept. However, the integration of the risk in the urban policies is incomplete and heterogeneous. In this context, the paper will try to highlight these important discrepancies which appear in communication policies. If intermunicipal structures are developing new communication tools about flood risk, much remains to be done to alert the residents to this situation. In fact, flood risk seems to be ignored in urban construction at local scale.Cet article interroge les relations entre la gestion et la communication sur le risque inondation dans les politiques d'aménagement de trois agglomérations du bassin de la Loire : Saint-Étienne, Orléans et Nantes. Dans cette perspective, l'analyse multiscalaire réalisée génère de nombreux enseignements sur la manière de communiquer sur le risque, de le traduire en termes de planification et de le mettre en oeuvre au niveau des aménagements urbains : les résultats sont parfois contradictoires. Quelles que soient les dynamiques démographiques et économiques des trois villes, le principe de « vivre avec le risque » fait consensus. Toutefois, sa retranscription dans les politiques urbaines reste lacunaire. Si des efforts de communication sont présents à l'échelle d'une agglomération, ceux-ci se diluent mal au fur et à mesure que les échelles d'intervention se rapprochent de l'individu. Le risque d'inondation apparaît alors comme le principal oublié des aménagements entrepris à l'échelle du quartier. Abstract The paper draws the links between flood management and risk communication concerning planning policies and especially urban projects. We study three French case studies, along the Loire valley : Saint-Étienne, Orléans and Nantes. For this purpose, spatial multiscalar analysis gives an overview on the potential contradictions and loss of information between risk communication, spatial planning and urban project. We demonstrate that whatever demographic and economic trends are observed, the city is growing closer and closer to flooding areas. Can we really live with the risk ? The paper will try to answer on the communication level. On one hand, the consensus seems to be strong to go on urban growth spread near the water. On the other hand, very few are done on public information. Some innovative practices have to be highlighted concerning legal rules for communication at municipal scale. However, risk communication is fading step by step at neighborhood scale

    Les projets urbains en zones inondables communiquent-ils sur les risques ? : Regard sur les politiques publiques conduites à Saint-Étienne, Orléans et Nantes

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    International audienceThe paper draws the links between flood management and risk communication concerning planning policies and especially urban projects. We investigate three French sites along the Loire valley: Saint-Étienne, Orléans and Nantes. For this purpose, spatial multiscalar analysis gives an overview on the potential contradictions and loss of information between risk communication, spatial planning and urban projects. We demonstrate that regardless of demographic and economic trends, the city is spreading and taking over flooding areas. The principle of living with risk is a reality that the urban actors seem to accept. However, the integration of the risk in the urban policies is incomplete and heterogeneous. In this context, the paper will try to highlight these important discrepancies which appear in communication policies. If intermunicipal structures are developing new communication tools about flood risk, much remains to be done to alert the residents to this situation. In fact, flood risk seems to be ignored in urban construction at local scale.Cet article interroge les relations entre la gestion et la communication sur le risque inondation dans les politiques d'aménagement de trois agglomérations du bassin de la Loire : Saint-Étienne, Orléans et Nantes. Dans cette perspective, l'analyse multiscalaire réalisée génère de nombreux enseignements sur la manière de communiquer sur le risque, de le traduire en termes de planification et de le mettre en oeuvre au niveau des aménagements urbains : les résultats sont parfois contradictoires. Quelles que soient les dynamiques démographiques et économiques des trois villes, le principe de « vivre avec le risque » fait consensus. Toutefois, sa retranscription dans les politiques urbaines reste lacunaire. Si des efforts de communication sont présents à l'échelle d'une agglomération, ceux-ci se diluent mal au fur et à mesure que les échelles d'intervention se rapprochent de l'individu. Le risque d'inondation apparaît alors comme le principal oublié des aménagements entrepris à l'échelle du quartier. Abstract The paper draws the links between flood management and risk communication concerning planning policies and especially urban projects. We study three French case studies, along the Loire valley : Saint-Étienne, Orléans and Nantes. For this purpose, spatial multiscalar analysis gives an overview on the potential contradictions and loss of information between risk communication, spatial planning and urban project. We demonstrate that whatever demographic and economic trends are observed, the city is growing closer and closer to flooding areas. Can we really live with the risk ? The paper will try to answer on the communication level. On one hand, the consensus seems to be strong to go on urban growth spread near the water. On the other hand, very few are done on public information. Some innovative practices have to be highlighted concerning legal rules for communication at municipal scale. However, risk communication is fading step by step at neighborhood scale

    Résilience et fabrique territoriale des risques. Perspectives croisées à partir de trois programmes de recherche

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    International audienceAs environmental and climate issues face the question of risks, new paradigms flourish in the field of flood management: preparation, vulnerability, sustainable development, adaptation and today resilience. The ongoing urbanisation and development of places at risk create huge controversies. The concept of resilience does not seem to solve conflicts between land uses and rules, between prevention and development, between national and local regulation. If the concept is a success in the academic field, resilience does not provide the expected answers, and it even seems to raise new ambiguities. The paper shows the problems and opportunities of the implementation of the concept of resilience at local level. It aims to take it as a mean to analyse the evolution of developing spaces in France nowadays. Based on the first results from three research projects, we will present several French case studies showing what they teach us about the transformation of temporality, action, democracy and justice.À mesure que les perspectives environnementales et climatiques viennent percuter la question des risques d’inondation, de nouvelles notions s’ajoutent aux concepts pour prévenir et gérer les risques : préparation, vulnérabilité, développement durable, adaptation puis, aujourd’hui, résilience. La poursuite du développement territorial face à l’exposition aux risques pose toujours question, voire suscite des tensions sur les territoires. La notion de résilience ne semble pas résoudre les contradictions territoriales entre usage et règle, développement et prévention, national et local. Si le concept fait fureur, la résilience n’offre pas les réponses escomptées, peut-être même soulève-t-elle de nouvelles ambiguïtés. La communication montre en quoi les écueils et les opportunités que projettent les tentatives d’inscription d’une forme de résilience sur nos terrains d’étude et comment ils permettent de comprendre les enjeux des territoires en développement. Sur la base des premiers résultats produits par trois projets de recherche en cours, nous présenterons plusieurs terrains de recherche français en montrant comment ils interrogent la transformation de la temporalité, de l’action, de la démocratie et de la justice

    Les projets urbains en zones inondables communiquent-ils sur les risques ?

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    L’article interroge les relations entre la gestion et la communication sur le risque inondation dans les politiques d’aménagement de trois agglomérations du bassin de la Loire : Saint-Étienne, Orléans et Nantes. Dans cette perspective, l’analyse multi-scalaire réalisée permet de tirer de riches enseignements sur la manière de communiquer sur le risque, de le traduire en termes de planification et de l’intégrer dans des aménagements urbains. Si les objectifs sont apparemment identiques, les résultats sont parfois contradictoires. Quelles que soient les dynamiques démographiques et économiques des trois villes, le principe de « vivre avec le risque » fait consensus. Toutefois, sa retranscription dans les politiques urbaines reste lacunaire et hétéroclite. Si des efforts de communication sont présents à l’échelle de l’agglomération, les effets escomptés n’arrivent pas systématiquement jusqu’à l’échelle des individus. Le risque d’inondation apparaît alors comme le principal oublié des aménagements entrepris à l’échelle du quartier.The paper draws the links between flood management and risk communication concerning planning policies and especially urban projects. We investigate three French sites along the Loire valley: Saint-Étienne, Orléans and Nantes. For this purpose, spatial multiscalar analysis gives an overview on the potential contradictions and loss of information between risk communication, spatial planning and urban projects. We demonstrate that regardless of demographic and economic trends, the city is spreading and taking over flooding areas. The principle of living with risk is a reality that the urban actors seem to accept. However, the integration of the risk in the urban policies is incomplete and heterogeneous. In this context, the paper will try to highlight these important discrepancies which appear in communication policies. If intermunicipal structures are developing new communication tools about flood risk, much remains to be done to alert the residents to this situation. In fact, flood risk seems to be ignored in urban construction at local scale
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